Mindfulness (PART II): Mindfulness and Healing
August 1, 2018Health Impacts of Fracking
October 10, 2018Doctor’s Instructions
If you wish to get well faster, simply follow these helpful instructions.
BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Drink some water and/or anti-inflammatory tea! Your joints and muscles have been restored to a more normal position and function. It may have been a long time since they were able to move and get rid of their metabolic wastes. Right away they will begin releasing all of the waste products that have been stuck in the non-moving tissues and absorbing more water & nutrition. Give ’em a hand and keep them well hydrated to flush out the toxins. The Red Root in the anti-inflammatory tea will help the lymphatic system more quickly remove the wastes. The turmeric and ginger will help stop the inflammation and swelling in the joints and tissues. The green tea will help repair the damaged cells.
BEFORE YOU GET IN YOUR CAR: Walk Slowly. Basically, you have just had your proprioceptive nervous system “re-booted”. Going directly into your car and sitting is like immediately running a faulty software program after re-booting your computer. If you can take some time and walk slowly to your car, around the parking lot, or even better the little trail loop around the riparian area and parking lot, you will stimulate your nervous system to maintain the improvements that we made. Walk slow, soft, and graceful. Breathe abdominally and just focus on feeling yourself walk.
Brace your abdomen as you get into your car. Check out the abdominal bracing video on the website when you get home.
REMEMBER THE ABCS OF SELF HEALING: Any time you feel pain, tension, or movement (joint) dysfunction, start with the ABCs.
- A for Alignment
Check and re-align your posture. See the posture videos on our website for review. Go to the Advanced Patient Center (APC) and click on “Exercises” - B for Breathing
Breathe abdominally. See the abdominal breathing videos on the APC section of our website for review. - C for Consciousness
Become present and mindful. See the “Mind-Body” exercises on the Exercise section of the APC.
Gently keep the areas moving that we adjusted. Try not to spend more than 15 minutes sitting at a time. If you must rest, lie in the resting position shown on the “Home Care for Acute Pain” video on the New Patient Center (NPC) of our website.
If you have pain or soreness, use ICE for 20 – 30 minutes on, and at least 60 minutes off, before icing again. Also use your natural anti-inflammatories.
Slowly increase to the maximum dose if you continue to have pain. You can download a copy of this from the “First Visit” section of the NPC.
Follow your appointment schedule. There is no substitute for carefully timed chiropractic adjustments. When one appointment is missed, progress is lost and will require extra office visits to make up lost progress.
Avoid physical and mental stress before, during, and after each adjustment. The more relaxed you are, the more you will benefit. While you are receiving your treatments, focus on your breathing if the area being worked on is painful. If it is not too painful, focus your attention on how it feels as it is being worked on. Try to focus your mind away from thoughts that you do not need to think of in the moment. Make the time to relax, and breathe deeply and abdominally.
Follow faithfully, all home instructions given, including heat or cold applications, daily rest periods and special diets or exercises. The exercises, Mind-body, and dietary recommendations will help the adjustments last much longer.
Sleep on a good mattress. Do not sleep on more than one pillow. Use either an orthopedic cervical pillow or a good medium size feather pillow which will support your neck and head. Try to sleep on your back as much as possible, with support underneath the curve of your neck. If you have low back pain, you may feel best with your legs propped up on several pillows. If you are on your side, put a pillow between your knees
Sit in a firm chair (RECLINERS AND SOFT COUCHES ARE THE WORST). Sit straight with your weight on your “sit bones” (ischial tuberosities) and vary crossing your legs. Try not to sit for long periods of time. Do your posture exercises every 20 minutes, if sitting for long periods, such as driving. See the Sitting Posture Video on the “Low Back” section of the Exercise page.
Learn how to lift correctly. Bend your knees and keep your back straight & brace your abdominal muscles (see video). Keep objects in close to your stomach.
LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Set aside at least one time each day for complete mental and physical relaxation. Turn your attention away from your thoughts and feel your body from the inside.
Don’t be in a hurry. Ligaments and muscles must shift and realign themselves to fit the changing positions of bones. This is a natural process for a permanent recovery and cannot be hurried. Torn muscles and ligaments take even longer to fully heal. Degenerated (arthritic) joints may take months to years to reverse the damage done.
As your condition changes, tell us. It is important that your doctor be aware of your improvements as well as your setbacks.
Thank the person who cared enough to tell you about our office. Tell others about the benefits of Chiropractic care.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or call the doctor.