Journaling the Ancestor Cleanse – Part V

Journaling the Ancestor Cleanse – Part IV
August 1, 2019
Journaling the Ancestor Cleanse – Part IV
August 1, 2019
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Journaling the Ancestor Cleanse – Part V

High Glycemic Foods

These are foods that release their sugars into our blood very fast.   It is basically a measure of how sugary the food is.  The higher the glycemic index, the larger the effect on the body.   Lower glycemic foods are generally healthier for you than high glycemic foods.  Below is an abridged table of common foods and their glycemic index (1) .

                                    110      Jasmine Rice

                                    105      Dates                                      

                                    100      Glucose, Parsnips                  

                                    95        Brown rice pasta

                                    90        Russet potatoes, red potatoes [Livestrong}

                                    85        Rice Gruel

                                    80        Pumpkin, French fries

                                    75        Millet, watermelon, popcorn, Cheerios

                                    70        Rice, Barley flakes, Rolled barley, Couscous, Gnocci, yellow potatoes

                                    65        Coarse kernel oats, Figs, Corn Chips, Raisins, Beets, Sweat Potatoes, Whole Wheat Tortillas,


This is a measure of your average heart rate.  It is believed to burn more fat than aerobic or anaerobic heart rates.  See the Exercise section for a table of age related heart rates.

                        ALA: Alpha Lipoic Acid

                        NAC: N-acetyl cysteine

                        Dur: Duration

Goals – Eyes – “I love you”:  Are you able to look yourself in the eyes in the mirror and say “I love you” out loud?   How does it make you feel?   This may help you become more aware of subconscious feelings of judgement, self hate, etc. that negatively effect your health, and help you grow your ability to unconditionally love yourself and heal yourself. 


In the beginning, we just want to check in and remember what sort of emotions were dominant in us the day before.   Are these the emotions we want to live our lives with?  As we spend more time in mindfulness, we begin to become aware of chronic emotional tension that perhaps beforehand we were completely unaware of.  In addition, as we become more mindful of our thoughts, we start to  wfeel what sort of emotions our thoughts are generating.   Using the journaling, we can track and prove to ourselves that we are healing deeply with the changes we are making.   We begin to see what sort of things help us live lives of love and what sort of triggers, pull us into fear centered emotions. 


This is where you jot down your overall feelings and impressions about what you are discovering.  This helps you hone your journaling, making it more efficient.  It also serves to jog our memories about what are important changes we need to make to reach our goals.


If you feel overwhelmed by the journal, be mindful: Let go of your thoughts and worries about journaling, and just feel overwhelmed until it goes away.  Then write down how long you were mindful!  Take it in small chunks until you get the hang of it.  Once you do, you will only need to journal those things that are going to make a big difference in your life, and it won’t take much time at all.  Have fun with it!  This is a way to love yourself!

— Dr. Troy Anthony Smith, DC


  1. Foster-Powell, Kaye, Holt et al.  International Table of Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Values, 2002.  AJCN

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