Phases of Care
Phase I - Relief Care
Many patients first see their chiropractor because they are in a great deal of pain. Your pain can be caused by many different aspects of your physiology such as inflammation, damage, restriction, etc. It is the doctor’s first goal to reduce your pain and ease your symptoms. This may require up to 3 visits per week for several weeks, depending upon the severity of your condition, your age, lifestyle, etc. Additional therapies, such as herbs and supplements, ice, braces, mind-body techniques and electro-therapies may also be used to help relieve your symptoms. If your symptoms have not receded as fast as you had hoped, speak with your doctor about these safe and natural therapies that can be added into your care.Phase II - Corrective Care
Many people think that if they don’t feel any pain, than there is nothing wrong with. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Think about our nation’s number one killer - heart disease, aka: “The Silent Killer”. The reason it is called “The Silent Killer” is because most people are unaware that they have heart disease until they have a heart attack or a stroke. Unfortunately for many, this is far too late to address the problem. Many people also don’t realize that they have cancer until it is too late, and on and on.In the Corrective Care phase of treatment, patients may be out of pain, or have very little. However, the doctor is well trained to find dysfunction and disease long before there are painful symptoms. Treatments during this phase are not as frequent. Perhaps 2 - 4 times per month. Here the focus shifts to rebuilding the body, preventing recurrence and making healthy lifestyle habits to reinforce and progress the healing that has already taken place. A large part of Corrective Care is the Doctor taking time to teach you, the patient, how to recognize early stage symptoms of dysfunction and disease, such as stiffness and functional instability. In addition to learn a greater awareness of the health status of your body, the doctor is also giving you the tools to learn what to do when you first notice that dysfunction or imbalance has set in.